Thursday, July 26, 2012


My lil sister and I are going to start on Monday! I'm actually pretty excited, although I am sure I will HATE it once I start ;-) I am so sick of being this size, of being uncomfortable in my own skin. I am tired, I am rundown, I am unhealthy, and I don't want my daughter growing up with a mum like that! I was to be a good example to her, to show her how to balance exercising and eating, to show her how to be happy with who she is. But in order to do that, I need to figure it out myself! So, I am making changes! I am going to go see a naturopath fella an see what foods my body doesn't agree with and LISTEN to what he says. I want to get healthy before I get pregnant again, and I want to be pregnant by the end of this year :-d (I am SO excited to be pregnant again! I loved every second of pregnancy!)

So, I am going to become a runner! What what? Haha for anyone who knows me, this is laughable! But I am giving it 8 weeks. I WILL be able to run 5 km at the end, and I will be able to do it while pushing my lil turkey in her stroller! FTW!