Friday, December 12, 2008

Fertility Schmertility...

       I figured I'd actually do an update on what's going on with me, instead of just ranting and raving about my little Bear! 
       So, I got blood work done last friday. I also got a surprise visit from aunt flow. So after a few painful days, full of comments like "Oh Mylanta!" "Is this normal?", and the always appropriate, "I'm bleeding like a stuck pig." (My brother LOVED hearing that one! haha) I got my results back on the blood taken, and ohh happy day!! I'm no longer considered post menopausal! HUZZAH! I'm actually in the follicular phase!! Which is great news! Lord willing, and the creek don't rise... I should actually ovulate this month! Which means, by the new year, there is a slim but much better, chance of me being knocked up! So, Drew and I are going to continue our nightly tradition of praying for my Ute (aka uterus) that we will conceive! YAY 
      So back to my little Bear... D.W. met her last night, and like the rest of us, fell in love! She is such a sweet little one! So I leave you with a extremely HOT photo of my husband!